Car-free life tests commuters' skills AP via Yahoo! News - Sep 05 12:28 PM
Six years ago, Bruce Wilbur did what most Americans wouldn't dream of: he got rid of his car. And his minivan, too.Save to My Web
The Vital Troublemaker Columbia Journalism Review - Sep 05 11:55 AM
Its tempting to speculate how I.F. (Izzy) Stone would have fared in the electronic world, able to reach millions instantly with the push of a button rather than schlepping his bundles of newspapers from the printer to the post office and then sending them off to individual subscribers by second-class mail.Save to My Web
Ten Multi-Millionaire Business Superstars To Teach Money Creation Secrets In Phone Course Workshop [Press Release] PR Web - Sep 05 12:37 AM
Ten of the world's most successful, admired, multi-millionaire, entrepreneurs gather to teach the exact emulatable fun methods, thinking and actions they used to create and accelerate the speed of their multi-million dollar business empires (PRWEB Sep 5, 2006) Trackback URI: to My Web
Car-Free Life Tests Commuters' Skills AP via Yahoo! Finance - Sep 05 10:09 AM
Six years ago, Bruce Wilbur did what most Americans wouldn't dream of: he got rid of his car. And his minivan, too. He started taking the bus to work -- not a common sight in Rochester, N.Y. -- and loved the switch.Save to My Web
Law school plans big project Casper Star-Tribune - Sep 05 1:13 AM
LARAMIE -- The University of Wyoming College of Law is poised to develop state-of-the-art facilities that could accommodate guest speakers during special events and serve as a location for actual trials and appellate proceedings.Save to My Web
Jigsaw Data not a company that follows standards / It's full steam ahead for rebel CEO Fowler San Francisco Chronicle - Sep 05 3:48 AM
With his perfectly shaved head, Jim Fowler looks like Mr. Clean. But don't be fooled. The CEO of San Mateo's Jigsaw Data Corp. prefers to liken himself to another famous cue ball: Dr. Evil. In taking on the identity of Austin Powers' archenemy, Fowler... Save to My Web
Internet Business Advantage (IBA) Program Equals Plus Business for Telephone Answering Services [Press Release] PR Web - Sep 02 12:10 AM
The Internet Business Advantage Program offers Telephone Answering Services the opportunity to generate additional recurring revenue from their present client base with minimal investment of time or money. (PRWEB Sep 2, 2006)Save to My Web
Ridin With The Bossman The Ol Network Blues Lords of Pain - Sep 04 8:28 PM
Greetings! Welcome to another edition of Ridin With The Bossman! The only column that Triple H reads. See, this technically isn't a dirt sheet. A dirt sheet is basically a newspaper. I ain't no reporter, and this aint no newspaper. This here be an opinion piece. For entertainment purpose only.Save to My Web
Laurel Touby: The Strength to Lead in the Face of Crisis HuffingtonPost - Sep 04 2:42 PM
It was August of 2001, and I was struggling to stay optimistic about the prospects for my small media community website, Job Listing Classified advertisements -- our main source of revenues -- were in a slow, perilous decline, having slid from a high of 300 listings per month to as low as 130. The media economy was in a downward spiral and companies such as Primedia and Save to My Web