Thursday, October 05, 2006

Making money on the internet - Students' Data Available To Companies

Students' Data Available To Companies
KXAN 36 Austin - Oct 05 4:32 PM
It's making national headlines. The University of Texas is one of only 10 public universities giving away student contact information to banks and credit card companies.Save to My Web

Romney blocks lawmakers efforts to dip into rainy day fund
Boston Globe - Oct 05 3:41 PM
Gov. Mitt Romney vetoed a $450 million transfer from the state's rainy day fund that was approved by state lawmakers to help pay for initiatives in the current state budget, including money for health care and education.Save to My Web

Religious leaders making moral case for legalizing pot in Nevada
KESQ - Oct 03 5:45 PM
RENO, Nev. A number of religious leaders are making a moral case for legalizing the sale and possession of up to one ounce of marijuana for adults in Nevada while stiffening penalties for sales to youths and driving under the influence.Save to My Web