Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Making money on the internet - INTERNET NEWS STORIES

Industry Standard - ( InfoWorld ) - AT&T Inc. wants to make RFID (radio frequency identification) easy for enterprises, teaming up with some big-name partners on Tuesday for a managed service and technology development. RFID offers many possible benefits, such as a

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Digital Game Developer - Panda Software Warns Cybercrooks Target Online Games Cybercrooks Are Stealing and Selling Virtual Assets for the Most Popular Online Games (May 16, 2006) GLENDALE, Calif., May 16 /PRNewswire/ -- In a new malware dynamic, malware creators are now

Shouldn't You Be Online Banking?
WNEM - A few months ago, I had some decisions to make. After a number of years of living in the U.S., I was moving back to Britain. However, I had a financial life in America, including credit card bills that would need to be paid monthly (I know; ideally

Prepare for the Crash
Motley Fool - The stock market crash following the Internet bubble destroyed portfolios -- and dreams. The Nasdaq alone fell from 5,000 to below 1,200 -- a nearly 80% decline. And that's only the average . Many stocks became essentially worthless. The tragedy wasn

Net neutrality and politics
ZDNet Blogs - Zoe Lofgren, representative of the 16th district of California (the region that contains Silicon Valley), recently wrote an article for ZDNet where she defended net neutrality rules as a means of preventing broadband companies from acting as

Consumers Shun Backups, Study Says
TechNewsWorld - "Some people believe that a backup is making an extra copy of a file on your hard drive," said John Christopher, a data recovery engineer with DriveSavers, a data recovery company in Novato, Calif. "That's not what it's about, obviously, because hard

Replacement referendum deserves a 'Yes' vote
Journal Times - Let s get it right this time on the first ballot. Unified School District voters will go to the polls on June 6 just two weeks from now to vote on a $6.45 million referendum to help fund the district s operations. This is a replacement

Vonage shares drop at debut
Globe and Mail - NEW YORK Shares of Vonage Holdings Corp., the Internet telephone pioneer, dropped in their trading debut Wednesday after pricing late Tuesday at $17 (U.S.) a share, the middle of the expected range. Shares of Vonage fell 70 cents, or 4 per cent