Making money - An immovable obstacle to action on climate change
An immovable obstacle to action on climate change
Independent - May 31 4:18 PM
If you had to pick one company in America as the ultimate corporate villain, you might be hard pressed to find a better candidate than ExxonMobil. At a time of soaring petrol prices and growing public anger over the cost of filling up cars and trucks, ExxonMobil is not only making money hand over fist at an increasing rate - it is actually making more money than any other oil company in the world.Save to My Web
Students spending summer outside the classroom
The Daily Gamecock - May 30 8:04 PM
Many students who decided to stay in Columbia over the summer are spending their time making money to live on during the school year and building their resumes. Michael Hix, associate director of the USC Career Center, said many students come to the career center during the spring semester seeking help to land a summer internship.Save to My Web
Fire company revives brick program to raise money
Gazette.Net - 28 minutes ago
Mount Airy residents can honor a loved one who died, the birth of a child or their familys name by purchasing a brick or plaque along the wall in the lobby of the fire station.Save to My Web
After Making $38 Million Last Year, Pay Is Not an Issue
New York Times - May 30 7:49 PM
Henry M. Paulson Jr. took home more than $38 million last year as the chairman and chief executive of Goldman Sachs. If the Senate confirms him as the next Treasury secretary, he will collect a mere $175,700 in annual pay not much more than a junior investment banker makes.Save to My Web
Decency first - May 31 6:10 AM
Making more money is a worthy American occupation. However, it, in and of itself, does not trump all other American values: morals, respect for your elders and basic human decency.Save to My Web
Filling Up on Conspiracy Theories
RedNova - 1 hour, 45 minutes ago
By Elizabeth Souder, The Dallas Morning News May 28--Gasoline prices are high, oil companies are making record profits and politicians are debating price gouging. Add a conflict in the Middle East and gas shortages in the spring, and a lot of Americans smell a rat.Save to My Web
Students Accused of Making Fake Money
KGBT 4 Rio Grande Valley - 1 hour, 12 minutes ago
A group of middle school students is in trouble with the U.S. Secret Service and La Joya school police after allegedly trying to trick cafeteria workers with phony ten dollar bills.Save to My Web
Bay Area gets less homeland security money this year
Inside Bay Area - May 31 12:08 PM
NEW: The Bay Area got less federal money to prepare for terrorist threats this year, federal officials announced today, though the cuts to its homeland security grants were less than some other places faced.Save to My Web
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