Saturday, May 06, 2006

Making money - Singh urges less money for financing U.S. debt

Singh urges less money for financing U.S. debt
International Herald Tribune - May 05 6:45 AM
India's prime minister urged Asian nations to divert their vast savings and trade surpluses from foreign currency holdings.Save to My Web

Initiative could make millionaires of everyone in Nevada city
KBCI Boise - May 05 3:05 PM
BOULDER CITY, Nev. A petition making the rounds in the town outside Las Vegas could make all Boulder City's residents millionaires. It would sell off 167 square miles of undeveloped open land in a primo location near Sin City. Ninety percent of the money would go to residents.Save to My Web

Hundreds attend gala fund-raiser
Rocky Mount Telegram - 14 minutes ago
A former U.S. representative helped a local adult day health care center raise money Friday night.Save to My Web

Buffett hints at more non-U.S. deals after Iscar purchase
FinanzNachrichten - May 06 10:59 AM
OMAHA, Neb (AFX) - Warren Buffett hinted Saturday that Berkshire Hathaway Inc. ( Nachrichten ) will be making more acquisitions outside the U.S., a day after the company agreed to buy 80% of Israeli metal-cutting-tool maker Iscar Metalworking Cos. for $4 billion.Save to My Web

Free Money Transfers to India - May 06 7:18 AM
In Naushad's career spanning 60 years, film "Saathi" came roughly halfway, but it was a landmark that the legendary musician did not relish recalling.Save to My Web

A man who finds out why we buy what we buy - May 06 3:46 PM
PACO Underhill's name may not ring a bell to most Filipinos but to many retailers, Underhill holds the key to making their cash registers ring.Save to My Web

Corzine pulls plug on block grants - May 06 12:43 PM
TRENTON -- Governor Corzine will permanently freeze millions of dollars remaining in a state grant program over concerns that money from the fund was doled out unfairly.Save to My Web

'Save' your future, put away money regularly
The Arizona Republic - 19 minutes ago
It's official: Saving money is tough. Consumers are dipping deeper into savings than at any time since 1933, the bottom of the Great Depression, the Department of Commerce calculates.Save to My Web