Sunday, April 30, 2006

Making money on the internet - Gary Thompson | 'United 93' director let the story speak for itself

Gary Thompson | 'United 93' director let the story speak for itself - 24 minutes ago
WHEN Hollywood looked for a director to helm the movie to recreate the 9/11 attacks, they didn't just pull a name out of a hat. "United 93" director Paul Greengrass came to the project with a formidable resume as a filmmaker and a lifelong grounding in the cultural and political issues that accompany terror and counterterror: He hails from Ireland.Save to My Web

Small carb repair a big business in Spencer
Sioux City Journal - Apr 29 11:20 PM
SPENCER, Iowa -- The scariest thing Robert Beaver ever did was leave his job to go into his own business full time. "There was no planning. It just happened," Beaver admits 11 years later.Save to My Web

Millionaire's 14,000 mile bike ride
NewsWales - Apr 30 7:32 AM
New Zealand investment adviser, adventurer and writer Gareth Morgan, who achieved global publicity last month by giving $40 million to charity, has quietly set out by motorcycle on a 117-day, 13,903 mile (22,374 km.) journey through North America.Save to My Web