Thursday, March 30, 2006

Making money - Google Analytics Challenged to Stay Unbiased

Google Analytics Challenged to Stay Unbiased
E-Commerce Times - "It is not in Google's best interest to be biased, and it's difficult to lie with a statistics program," Pedro Sostre, principal of Sostre & Associates, a Web development, marketing and consulting firm, told the E-Commerce Times. "If Google does not

By Steven Levy
MSNBC - Issues 2005 - A few months ago no one had heard of "podcasting" because it didn't exist. Last summer an MTV veejay turned technophile named Adam Curry wanted to do an Internet-based radio show, distributing it through his Weblog. (A Weblog, or blog

Predicting Communications Prices
E-Commerce Times - Government experts often get things wrong. This makes it incredibly important to leave the market as unfettered by government regulations as possible so as not to create distortions that unintentionally harm consumers. 12 Ways to Fight Shopping Cart

Open All Night - It s 2 a.m. and a hot prospect wants what you have to sell. Where are you? In bed, hopefully but you could still be serving your customers. The Web affords unprecedented opportunities to give 24-hour, global sales and service -- like the big guys

Discovering Visa's security requirements
Network World Fusion - Due to a change my company is making in credit card processing companies, the bank that we use has declined on signing off on the change until we meet Visa's current security requirements. Our current credit-card processing volume hasn't been much so

Follow the Money, Honey
Motley Fool - If you want to make lots of money in Internet stocks, the trick is pretty easy to master. First, you need to find a growing niche. Don't rack your brain over that. I'll nudge you in the right direction by pointing out a few, like online advertising

Back to Eye on Boise | Archives: September 2005
Spokane Spokesman-Review - "In a style similar to the new Jefferson Nickels, the head or head and shoulder profile of a peregrine falcon protrudes from the left side of the coin. Detail is minimal, with the exception of the falcon s eye, which is clear and imposing. Its

Back to Eye on Boise | Archives: November 2005
Spokane Spokesman-Review - The Common Interest, a citizen group dedicated to reducing partisanship and special interest influence, has announced the results of its in-depth study of open legislative committee meetings, one of three issues it selected to examine over the past

Video phones finally making it in the marketplace
San Angelo Standard-Times - Ma Bell wowed audiences at the 1964 World's Fair in New York with TV-equipped videophones. But at $150 a month, plus equipment, the phone company couldn't generate much consumer interest. Fast-forward 40 years, and one of the hottest fights on the

Coalition Claims AOL Supporters Have Two-Tier Agenda
E-Commerce Times - "AOL's e-mail tax will lead to a fundamentally changed Internet that is not free and open to all," Adam Green, a spokesperson for another coalition member, Civic Action, told TechNewsWorld. He recalled a notorious e-mail hoax that urged